There are many different lengths, heights and combinations of types of fence materials to choose from. Here's a few suggestions for fence kits:
- If you are growing anything that small animals want to eat, like vegetables for a vegetable garden, choose a fence with an all metal 1x1 or 1/2x1/2 rodent barrier base overlapped and pinned to the ground. Rabbits can pass through anything larger than 1x1.
- In general, for small gardens 100 linear feet or less, a 6ft tall fence will work. Deer are less likely to jump inside a small, enclosed space.
- To wrap arborvitae or other shrubs for winter deer browsing 5ft tall or 6ft tall is typical. Use our fence kits with ground sleeves to pull your fence posts up and out of the sleeve to store in the spring and replace the posts back into the sleeves to set up your fence again before the winter. Removable garden fences are also popular for vegetable gardens - after the season is done, you can take down the fence and till the ground before the growing season starts.
- If your fence area is small (less than 200 feet) consider an all metal 1x1 fence with overlap. For larger fences, poly fence with a rodent barrier is more cost effective.